
Labeling test for targeted runs

Targetting Test with Tags

Let say I have now several features like the two examples below: my-first-feature.feature

Feature: My Feature
	As Autokin tester
	I want to verify that all API are working as they should

Scenario: My First Scenario
    Given that a secure endpoint is up at reqres.in
    When I GET /api/users/2

The above feature file we tag that as @core feature, while below we tag that as @fix-321 to denote that this is for the fix for 321 issue.


Feature: My Feature
	As Autokin tester
	I want to verify that all API are working as they should

Scenario: Verify if API does not accept character id
    Given that a secure endpoint is up at reqres.in
    When I GET /api/users/abc

So now we want to run the test but only focus on running @fix-321. WE can do this by using the following command.

./node_modules/.bin/autokin -e -t @fix-321

If we want to run only @core then we can use the following:

./node_modules/.bin/autokin -e -t @core

If we are not passing the tags -t or --tags parameter, it will run everything.

Tags for exceptions

What if we want to run everything but not the @core, then we can also use the following command:

./node_modules/.bin/autokin -e -t "not @core"

Last updated