
Chaining is a way to continue another test that was previously executed

This is the mechanism on how to chain scenarios for Autokin. Let us say that you want to Login the user then use the session token to retrieve user information.

    Content-Type: application/json
        "username": "juan",
        "password": "p3dr0"

        "sessionId": "2AA21boNhOM5zR3Xgn96qw=="

    Content-Type: application/json
    SessionId: 2AA21boNhOM5zR3Xgn96qw==

        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Juan Pedro",
        "age": 30 

So having that we can have this Feature definition:

Feature: My Chaining Feature
	As Autokin tester
	I want to verify that all API are working as they should

    Scenario: Login to the system
        Given that a secure endpoint is up at
        Given I set Content-Type header to application/json
        Given I set the JSON body to 
            "username": "juan",
            "password": "p3dr0"
        When I POST /login
        Then response status code should be 200
        Then I keep the value of body path "$.sessionId" as "userSessionToken"

    Scenario: Get user information
        Given that a secure endpoint is up at
        Given I set Content-Type header to application/json
        Given I set SessionId header from "userSessionToken"
        When I GET /user/1001
        Then response status code should be 200

As you see in the above example, we login then we store the session token to a variable userSessionToken, the variable name can be anything as long as a one word. Following to our next scenario, as needed by our API, we set the header SessionId to the value of the previously stored data by specifying that we are getting the stored value from the variable userSessionToken.

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