Then Steps

Autokin Mobile Steps

Then I wait {time in seconds} seconds

Make the test wait for desired seconds enough for hte mobile to be displayed or anything that is needed for wait.

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds

Then I capture mobile screen as {path to image}

Captures the current screen image of the mobile app. No need to include file extension as this will be appended with .png, and since images will be in PNG format.

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I capture mobile screen as "mobile_home"

Then I swipe to the {direction}

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I swipe to the left
    Then I swipe to the right
    Then I swipe to the up
    Then I swipe to the down

Then I tap on element with accessibility id of {accessibility id}

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I tap on element with accessibility id of "Sign In"

Then I tap on element with xpath of {XPath}

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I tap on element with xpath of "//XCUIElementTypeButton[@name="Hello"]"

Then I tap on {X Coordinate}, {Y Coordinate}

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I tap on 300, 300

Then I set {value} value to element with accessibility id of {accessibility id}

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I set "Hello World" value to element with accessibility id of "MyField"

Then I set {value} value to element with xpath of {XPath}

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I set "Hello World" value to element with xpath of "//XCUIElement"

Then I expect element with accessibility id of {accessibility id} has value {value}

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I expect element with accessibility id of "FieldName" has value "Hello"

Then I expect device keyboard is visibile

Check if mobile keyboard is visible

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I expect device keyboard is visibile

Then I hide device keyboard

Trigger to hide on screen keyboard

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I hide device keyboard

Then I shake the device

Perform shake gesture on the device

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I shake the device

Then I make the app run in the background and make active after {time in seconds} seconds

Make the application runs in the background and make it active when time in seconds elapsed.

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I make the app run in the background and make active after 3 seconds

Then I close the session

Close the appium server session of the mobile app and close it as well.

Scenario: Autokin Mobile
    Given that I set "iOS" as platform with version of "13.0"
    Given that I set "iPhone 11 Pro" as device
    Given that app is located at ""
    When I create new session on ""
    Then I wait 3 seconds
    Then I make the app run in the background and make active after 3 seconds
    Then I close the session

Last updated